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Главная / Продукты, пищевая промышленность / Рыба, морепродукты Тип объявления: Продам
Автор: Alexis Страна/город: Египет / _не определен
E-mail: Телефон: 15865466340
Дата подачи: 10.06.19 21:47 Количество просмотров: 670
Текст объявления
A book of First Class stamps Maybank's IDRs are driven by its intrinsic strength as underlined by its 'a-' Viability Rating. However, Fitch has revised the Outlook to Negative to reflect the likely adverse impact on its risk profile in light of the sovereign's weakening risk profile. This is because of the bank's significant exposure to the financial health of the government, as well as to the domestic economy and financial markets. Further, the bank's credit profile may be pressured by growing risks in the domestic operating environment, such as rising household debt and property prices. Notwithstanding these risks, Maybank's current ratings continue to reflect its strong domestic franchise and reasonable credit fundamentals, as evidenced by its well-capitalised position and sound performance.

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