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Автор: Erwin |
Страна/город: Таиланд / _не определен |
Телефон: 47719287730 |
Дата подачи: 30.06.19 01:20 |
Количество просмотров: 741 |
Текст объявления |
Could you send me an application form? red tu To his credit, Schiano has already accepted blame for the actual problem here: a bogged-down passing game. "It squarely is on me. I'm the head football coach, and … we're not doing things offensively that we're capable of doing -- mostly in the passing game," Schiano said at his Monday news conference. "We have to look at what we're doing coachingwise, what we're doing executionwise, and, again, it falls on me."
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